i am whole you are whole in this wholeness we are one

i am whole you are whole in this wholeness we are one

kerri sitting in a candlelit room in front of a mirror wall playing three quartz crystal singing bowls

My approach to therapy, yoga teaching, and wellness is infused with curiosity and an open heart. My classes and treatments provide a nurturing space where individuals are empowered with the tools for their own healing journeys. I encourage my clients to embrace life with child-like freedom, enabling them to express their authentic selves in every moment. I believe in the profound connection of mental, spiritual, and physical health. I welcome all individuals who work with me with an accepting embrace of whatever they bring to the healing space. Whether you seek yoga, dance therapy, reiki, or counseling, I am here to guide you on your path to holistic well-being.


  • are you someone who often finds your mind racing?

    are you interested in learning more about calming your mind?

    have you come here hoping to discover and heal your inner self?

    do your thoughts sometimes feel like they aren’t your own?

    explore my psychotherapy, dance/movement therapy, guided meditation, mantra, and yoga offerings to discover practices that help to bring wholeness of mind

  • are you someone who finds words hard sometimes? do you prefer moving instead?

    does it feel better sometimes to be in your feelings instead of your thoughts?

    do you struggle with noticing your body’s needs?

    could you stand to love and understand your body a little more?

    has the world told you that loving and honouring your body is not okay?

    through offerings such as dance/movement therapy, dance, yoga, and breathwork i can help you find the tools for your wholeness of body

  • have you ever thought there might be more to life than what we can see?

    do you believe there is magic and light within you?

    are you recovering from religious or spiritual trauma?

    when searching for wholeness of spirit look at offerings like dance/movement therapy, reiki and breathwork

“Listening to and understanding our inner sufferings will resolve most of the problems we encounter”

-thich nhat hanh

connect with kerri

connect with kerri


